Several clients have asked why they should customize their Facebook business pages. The simple answer is that they can drive web traffic to your website, reinforce your other online marketing efforts, and increase sales and engagement.

Visitors will do a lot of clicking around on your Facebook business page; in fact, this social presence can serve as a mini-website. Keep in mind that some potential customers and clients will get all of their information about your company from the Facebook business page.

The basic Facebook business page format is the same for everyone, the more interesting you can make it, the better. As you build a plan to offer dynamic and valuable content through your presence, your Facebook business page’s likes will continue to grow.

How Facebook business pages work

Each Facebook business page includes a customizable navigation bar of tabs. Each tab is represented by a small, related photo (111x74px).

Via custom tabs, you can create a much richer user experience for your Facebook audience and control the content that your followers see when they visit your page—and, anyone who visits your Facebook business page is a potential customer or client.

Fans, or people who already like your page, will see your company’s Facebook status posts as part of their default news feed. If your fans click your name next to any post, they will go to your Facebook homepage—and, hopefully, these users will click around for more information using the custom tab options. Building a customized Facebook business page ensures a greater chance of engaging with users and making a positive impression.

Did you know? On average, Facebook users spend six hours a month on Facebook.

A couple more statistics
With over 500 million users, Facebook is now used by 1 in 13 people. Over 250 million of Facebook users (over 50%) log in every day, and the average user has about 130 friends. The number of friends per average user is expected to continue expanding.

Facebook has 600 million mobile users; more than 42 million pages and nine million apps.

Common tabs to consider incorporating into your Facebook business page include:

  1. Welcome Message or “Like” page
  2. Employment Opportunities
  3. Photos and Albums
  4. Videos
  5. Events
  6. Map
  7. Email Newsletter Sign-Up
  8. Social Media Feeds
  9. Promotions/Coupons/Special Offers
  10. Facebook Shops/Product Shopping Carts

Next week we will provide examples of each custom tab listed above.

Call us if you’d like to discuss your social media strategy and custom Facebook pages. As social media continues to grow in popularity, we encourage you to take advantage of this powerful marketing tactic.