Posts by Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh Circle

About the author | Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh is a web developer at TBH Creative, specializing in front-end development. She likes to blog about a variety of web design topics, including design tips, the latest trends in the industry, and how to make your website more successful.

Our top 5 favorite website functionality features to enhance your content

Website functionality illustration

When starting out to build a website, you might find it overwhelming to decide what website functionality to include. There are a lot of decisions to make and factors to weigh in when choosing website features that both support your goals and are a good fit for your content.

That’s where the experts come in! Experienced web professionals know what makes a website successful and can help you choose the right website functionality for your needs.

Read on to learn more about different types of website functionality and how they can benefit your website.

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