If you’re hunting for the latest Internet phenomenon, chances are good that you’ll be directed to Tumblr. The free, easy-to-use microblogging and social networking hybrid website has been home to memes and more since 2007. Although its primary users are individuals, some businesses and organizations—like the editors of the news and analysis magazine the Atlantic—are doing a great job using Tumblr in creative ways to extend their brand and curate fresh and relevant content to their readership. Some other Tumblr pages run by publications whose editorial staffs are doing a good job editorially include the Reader, Vanity Fair, and New York Time’s T Magazine.

Microblogging and editorial storytelling

Tumblr allows users to share multiple kinds of media (polls, photos, words, quotes, links, video, and more) on personal blogs. Tumblr blog homes can be customized using assorted pre-made—yet, modifiable—templates layout themes. Tumblr registration is quick and easy. To sign-up, users only have to provide three bits of information: their name, e-mail, and desired password.

Editorial staffs make up one niche pocket of Tumblr users who are utilizing the format to extend their storytelling and add more content to supplement what they’re doing through blog entries and printed publications. The Atlantic‘s editors post original videos, teaser excerpts from their stories, photography, and more as stories break. As a monthly publication, Tumblr’s instant click-to-publish format allows the editors to add reactions to stories as they happen. This week, for instance, they’ve been able to share assorted, relevant bits of content and links regarding the riots in London as they are created.

Does your marketing plan include reaching out to your clients on an informal, frequent basis? Are you working to build a community around your brand? Used strategically, Tumblr can support your existing efforts.

Some ideas for implementation:

  • If you have a landscaping company, use Tumblr to post photos of finished projects and how-to videos for sharing tips for maintaining professionally designed gardens.
  • If you have a catering business, use Tumblr to share sample menus and photos from events.
  • If you have an auto repair shop, use Tumblr to answer questions and run polls.

Looking for creative ways to use social media to help you meet your company or organization’s marketing and branding goals? TBH Creative can help. We specialize in strategic social media solutions. We keep up with best practices so that we can help you maximize your online marketing potential.