On a tight marketing budget, but still want a high quality web site? There are quite a few things you can do to lower your costs to a vendor. By strategizing and doing your homework in-house, a web vendor will be able to offer feedback and recommendation while primarily focusing on web design and technical […]
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Articles to help you improve your digital marketing
Gambling Recovery Ministries (GRM) launched their new web site with full content management system capabilities, more content and an updated look and feel. TBH Creative was hired by the Gambling Recovery Ministries (GRM) to redesign their simple and outdated web site. They are a growing organization ready to move forward with technology and wanted to […]
Saint Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers hired TBH Creative to design a fresh look for their current web site without undergoing a full redesign and recoding process. They wanted to make a strong impact and better utilize the space on their home page as a ‘starter’ project with their 2009 budget, and we gladly accepted the […]
TBH Creative was hired by St. Elijah Hall in Merrillville, Indiana to redesign their outdated and old technology web site. Their old site navigation was hard to use and the HTML mark up contained a lot of unnecessary tables and images. Our goal was to give the site a fresh look with easy to use […]
TBH Creative recently launched Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) Indiana’s first web site. In addition to the web site project, we also prepared an informative brochure for the organization. The brochure’s goal was to match the branding, provide basic information, and gain new Indiana members. The brochure is used as a hand-out at meetings, […]
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