ExpressionEngine is built with PHP and it has many great features. I have the most personal experience with ExpressionEngine, so thought I would start here in my evaluation of Content Management Systems.

ExpressionEngine allows you to create your own design, so you can create the website that you want. I really like the support system that it has including an extensive forum, video instructions, user guide, and professionals standing by to help you with any questions that you have.

Best Features

  • Power and Flexibility
  • No Design Compromises
  • Security and Stability
  • Support Included

Additional Features

They also have powerful add-ons (modules and plugins), great SEO and query tools, and strong security. ExpressionEngine uses templates, which set the backend of webpages. These will include all HTML and CSS code to display the design. ExpressionEngine also prides themselves on the fact that they have created a community, which includes separate websites for different issues so that a developer can find answers quickly.


I would say that ExpressionEngine’s biggest flaw is that it is dynamic — too dynamic. There are is definitely a learning curve, but if you want a powerful site, ExpressionEngine is for you! Just be ready to sit down and learn how to use it!  


ExpressionEngine is no longer a free system, though it has 3 different options you can buy depending on what the company would want in their website.  

Sample Sites that use ExpressionEngine


Overall ExpressionEngine is a great and powerful system, I believe that it’s down fall is learning the system. Once you’ve learned the system, it’s easy to use, but you have to take the time to understand how it works as a developer and a company. ExpressionEngine just recently released their 2.0 version, which has gotten a lot of people excited. I am excited to work with the new system and update this review based on the new features. Some of the new features include running off of CodeIgniter, jQuery will be built in, new Control Panel, plus many more.

Read about the excitement in this article.