Websites are an important part of your brand. They are available 24/7. They serve as a salesperson for your company all day long, every single day. A website is often the first presentation to prospective buyers, and it may also be the last touchpoint to close a sale. The world of web design is continually changing and growing. Here is a question to think about: What should you be doing to improve your website in 2023? 

Some statistics to consider:

  • 75 percent of opinions on website credibility come from the web design
  • 38 percent of people stop engaging with a website if it’s unattractive
  • In addition, 39 percent will stop engaging if the site itself takes too long to load
  • Almost 60 percent of all online searches are now carried out on a mobile device, and by 2025, nearly 73 percent of internet users will access the internet solely via mobile devices

In this article, we discuss this popular question and share resources for extra learning and inspiration. Take a look, and let us know what you think.

How do you know if your website needs a full redesign or just a refresh?

This is a question that we hear a lot from website marketing clients. The difference between a full redesign and a simple refresh often hinges on multiple factors such as performance metrics, user experience, and overall objectives.

Let’s break it down.

7 signs a complete redesign is needed to improve your website

  1. Outdated design: If your site looks like it was set up more than five years ago, it’s time for you to improve your website. Aesthetics matter, especially for younger audiences who are accustomed to slick, modern designs. Consider a complete makeover if your site looks beyond dated.
  2. Unresponsive layout: With mobile browsing surpassing desktop, a responsive design isn’t optional anymore; it’s a necessity.
  3. Slow performance: A sluggish website isn’t just a UX issue. It affects your search engine ranking. This could necessitate a fundamental change in your website’s backend, not just its front end.
  4. Overly complex navigation: If users can’t find what they’re looking for within a few clicks, you’ve got a structure problem that likely requires an overhaul.
  5. Unclear conversion paths: If your site fails to guide users toward conversion, whether it’s making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, that’s a strategic misstep requiring more than just surface-level changes.
  6. Incompatibility with the latest technology: New technologies like AI chatbots or advanced analytics tools might not integrate well with your old framework.
  7. Rebranding: If your business is undergoing a rebranding, it’s not just a refresh you’re after. Everything, from logos to color schemes, must be consistent with the new brand identity. Learn more about redesigning after a merger.

5 signs all your website needs is a strategic refresh

  1. Minor cosmetic issues: If you’re only looking to update colors, fonts, or images, that’s clearly in the “refresh” territory.
  2. Content Updates: If it’s just bits of content on a few pages that are outdated and not the structural or functional elements, a refresh will usually be enough.
  3. UI/UX Tweaks: Minor adjustments to improve the user experience, such as button placements or menu items, don’t necessitate a full redesign.
  4. Platform Compliance: Sometimes, all you need is to update some elements to comply with new guidelines from search engines or browsers.
  5. Adding New Features: If you’re looking to add a blog section or a new product category to an otherwise functional website, a full redesign isn’t usually required.

Some recommendations for proactive website maintenance

You change the oil on your car, rotate its tires, and even fill up the gas tank regularly to keep it running. Taking similar steps to maintain your website will help it last longer, too.

  1. Data-driven decisions: Employ analytics tools like Google Analytics to scrutinize user behavior. You can use this information as empirical evidence to guide your decision-making regarding what’s working (and what’s not).
  2. A/B testing: Before going for a full redesign, consider A/B testing elements to ensure the changes will produce positive outcomes. Tools like Optimizely can assist with this.
  3. Modular design systems: Anticipating frequent future updates? Opt for a modular design system to make incremental changes easier.
  4. Progressive Web Apps (PWA): If you’re considering a redesign mainly for performance, consider transitioning to a Progressive Web App instead. It’s a modern alternative that offers app-like experiences on the web.
  5. SEO Audit: If SEO is a concern, consider conducting a comprehensive audit using a platform like SEMrush to identify what needs to be altered at a foundational level.

Additional resources to help you improve your website

As you consider if your website needs enhancing, check out these articles for inspiration and ideas to keep in mind while planning.

Hubspot: The 29 Dominating Web Design Trends for 2023

Web design trends for 2023 range from experimental navigation to Y2K-inspired aesthetics. Incorporating just a few when you improve your website can drastically enhance user experience, leading to higher engagement and more effective call-to-action responses.

UpCity: 29 Must-Have Website Features for Businesses

The article outlines essential features for business websites, from user-friendly design to SEO optimization. A mix of these elements ramps up user experience and customer engagement, crucial for online success. How to Create a Budget for a Website Redesign

Budgeting is key to a successful website redesign. The piece offers strategies for making wise financial decisions, ensuring the project aligns with both needs and resources.

Hubspot: How Much Does a Website Cost in 2023? Everything You Need to Know

Navigating the maze of website costs? The article offers a deep dive into building and maintaining a site on a budget, focusing on DIY options. It provides a realistic cost range and essential tips on platform selection for future ease of redesign.

Note: A version of this blog post first appeared in the Creative Edge, a monthly email with marketing news and tips from the TBH Creative team. Don’t miss the next issue.