Is blogging the right marketing tactic for your business? Chances are, the answer is yes. Blogging is a very beneficial tactic for marketing for a few reasons. As an example, for TBH Creative, the purpose of blogging is multi-faceted. Blogging helps to:

  1. Increase search engine rank for important, industry-specific keywords.
  2. Build community authority and activity in social media.
  3. Show personal side of staff and demonstrate expertise in casual setting.
  4. Reference posted information with clients or share information between team members.

Increase search engine rank for important, industry-specific keywords

Adding relevant material to your web pages keeps search engine spiders coming back to gather and index the new content in search results. In general, the more often Google comes to your site, the better it is for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Google watches all of this activity and includes this data in their algorithm for search engine rankings. Furthermore, the better the quality of your blog post content, the more people and sites will link to it—highly relevant backlinks drive search engine rankings more than anything else.

We have gained several clients who found us via our blog posts. One of our favorite clients, Northpoint Pediatrics, originally found TBH Creative via a blog post review we did on Expression Engine. Expression Engine is not our preferred CMS; however, we conducted a CMS review blog series in 2010, and our post resulted in search engines when they were searching for a qualified vendor.

As we review website statistics for clients, we often see blog posts listed in their top referral sites and top landing pages.

Build community authority and activity in social media

Interesting content goes viral. If through your specialized expertise you have something informative to share, create a blog post and share this information on Facebook. Your followers may “like” or “share” the blog post, further spreading your information. Sharing builds your reputation as an expert on the topic. It also enforces your brand recognition through repetitive exposure in social media.

Show personal side of your staff and demonstrate expertise in casual setting

Blog posts are casual and great opportunity for your team to express themselves and show personality. A few ways to show your personal side that can be effective include:

  • Using humor to make a point. The best part of a funny blog posts is that people are happy to link to them, so you are likely to receive a lot of “natural” backlinks.
  • Telling a story and drawing from relevant personal experiences.
  • Intertwining post topics with your others interests such as history or pop culture.

Note: Creativity and different approaches to writing about popular topics are interesting, but we still recommend that you proofread for errors and avoid taking a tone that’s too extreme.

Reference posted information with clients or to share information between team members

We create posts full of information that we often refer to clients. With the collection of posts, we can reference clients to read our article via quick link. New staff members can review posts for information as well.

Over time, your blog will serve as a history and strong collection of information. For example, we often refer clients to our posts about photo resources, JQuery examples, and design trends.

Need help getting started with blogging for your business? We can help, send us a note. We can help set up your blog and special widgets or define your strategy and monitor success/return on investment. We’ll help you figure out how could blogging can help strengthen your marketing plan.