Social Media Posts

Strategically Social: Tumblr & The Atlantic

If you’re hunting for the latest Internet phenomenon, chances are good that you’ll be directed to Tumblr. The free, easy-to-use microblogging and social networking hybrid website has been home to memes and more since 2007. Although its primary users are individuals, some businesses and organizations—like the editors of the news and analysis magazine the Atlantic—are […]

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The 411 on Google+ for businesses and organizations

Though Facebook gets more traffic that Google now, that’s not stopping the innovators at Google from trying to imagine up new services and products to bring back the users they lost and reclaim the title as most used website. One of Google’s strategies is their latest foray into social networking—Google+. You probably noticed the companion […]

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Strategically Social: Starbucks & Instagram

Strategically Social: Starbucks & Instagram

If you scan technology news headlines, it takes seconds to see that Google+ is the social network currently getting the most buzz. How businesses will use this new service as part of their online marketing strategy is still yet to be seen. On the other hand, Instagram—a free app for taking and sharing photos—is quietly […]

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Strategically Social: & Pinterest

Strategically Social: & Pinterest

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Most of the time when companies and organizations think about diving into social networking as part of their online marketing strategy, it’s these three big names that often come up first. “Strategically Social” is TBH Creative’s new series of reoccurring social media case studies. We’ll look at groups successfully implementing smart […]

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Adding value to your website with video tutorials

People connect to people. It’s why simple instructional videos for everything from how to put your hair up in a messy bun to how to change a bicycle tire are so popular. What’s your expertise? Identify the areas where you are a pro and create video tutorials to drive traffic to your website and engage […]

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