Social Media Posts

Adding value to your website with video tutorials

People connect to people. It’s why simple instructional videos for everything from how to put your hair up in a messy bun to how to change a bicycle tire are so popular. What’s your expertise? Identify the areas where you are a pro and create video tutorials to drive traffic to your website and engage […]

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Learning to tweet: Advice for Twitter newbies

Last week at a small conference in Chicago, I was part of a panel discussion about tools and techniques for effectively using social media. The discussion covered tangible basics, including recommended tools for efficiency like TweetDeck and HootSuite, but the panel also delved into actual how-to advice for those in attendance who were just starting […]

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Tips for Running a Facebook Contest

With over 500 million users, Facebook offers invaluable opportunities for companies to engage with their potential and loyal customers through pages. Though more than 70% of small businesses use Facebook (a 20% increase over last year), most still struggle to find different ways to take advantage of their social media presence beyond reinforcing branding and […]

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