Brand Development Posts

Strategically Social: Starbucks & Instagram

Strategically Social: Starbucks & Instagram

If you scan technology news headlines, it takes seconds to see that Google+ is the social network currently getting the most buzz. How businesses will use this new service as part of their online marketing strategy is still yet to be seen. On the other hand, Instagram—a free app for taking and sharing photos—is quietly […]

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Strategically Social: & Pinterest

Strategically Social: & Pinterest

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Most of the time when companies and organizations think about diving into social networking as part of their online marketing strategy, it’s these three big names that often come up first. “Strategically Social” is TBH Creative’s new series of reoccurring social media case studies. We’ll look at groups successfully implementing smart […]

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Finding the right “Type”

Finding the right Type

With Google Web Fonts, Cufon, and Typekit (font kits) at every web developers finger tips, choosing the right “type” has never been so available. I’m not talking about the “cute type” or the “humorous type”, I’m talking about your website’s font type (also know as typography, type face, font face, or font family). So many years […]

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Helpful web design tips for type

Typesetting plays an important role in all designs. Your fonts are a part of your branding and they communicate your company’s goals and mission. What fonts you choose and how you handle them communicates volumes. Web type guidelines Use relative fonts Having relative fonts on your website is most important rule for using type online. […]

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