We have recently been writing about business blogging. We provided blogging guidelines and an explanation for why blogging is important in our past posts. Today, we’re sharing our checklist for bloggers to get you started. Share a copy with each team member as a resource to review or use it while copy editing to refine posts.

TBH Creative’s Blogging Checklist

Note: Use the list as a starting point. Tweak and adjust these rules as best to fit for your business blogging purposes.

❏   The post’s title contains at least one keyword or phrase.
❏   The post’s title is interesting and something I would click in search results.
❏   The post’s body copy includes four or more paragraphs; minimum of 250 words.
❏   All links work.
❏   The post includes at least three links.
❏   All outbound links open in a new window.
❏   Subtitles are formatted using a headline tag.
❏   The post incorporates at least one image/graphic/logo.
❏   Images align and wrap properly with text.
❏   Images include a caption or credit where necessary.
❏   Extra spaces are removed.
❏   Post body copy has been proofread, fact-checked, and copy edited.
❏   Nothing offensive or negative towards others is included in the body copy or graphics.
❏   The blog body copy focuses on one topic and includes one or two primary keywords/phrases.
❏   The blog body copy includes a Call to Action (CTA) with link to related services or contact info.
❏   The CTA uses appropriate markup tags.
❏   All unnecessary code accidentally copied from Word is removed.
❏   The blog post looks good in preview mode.
❏   The blog body copy is written so that I would want to read my post.
❏   The blog body copy is written so that I would want to comment on my post.
❏   The blog post is my own and doesn’t include content copied from another source.

Blogging for your business is a strategic part of many businesses’ marketing plans. At TBH Creative, blogging has worked first-hand for gaining new clients. If you are interested to learn more about our blogging services, please send us a note.

Did you write your blog today? Check!