Many web sites on the Internet today still use tables for lay out. It is time to educate web developers and companies about why using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is better. Tables were never intended for web page layout. Rather, the HTML table was designed for presenting tabular data. There are many insidious but huge […]
Posts by Tatum Hindman
TBH Creative was hired by the Morales Group, Inc. to seamlessly integrate third party software for a robust Job Center to their current web site. TBH Creative assisted with many additional tasks throughout the project to help the company with their online presence including: re-coding the pages to remove the table based code with clean, […]
TBH Creative is excited for the launch of a newly redesigned web site for New Song Mission. Located in Brown County, Indiana, New Song Mission works to rebuild the lives of children so that they will become joyful followers of Christ Jesus who are full of wisdom, character, and love. TBH Creative was hired to […]
TBH Creative would like to announce the launch of a newly redesigned web site for Morrill & Associates PC — a law firm based in Chicago and Springfield Illinois. TBH Creative was hired to assist the law firm to create a more effective and up-to-date web presence. The revised web site launched last night and […]
TBH Creative is happy to announce the launch a newly redesigned web site for The Center for Regenerative Biology and Medicine (at IUPUI). TBH Creative helped the center update their web design to match University branding strategies, rework the home page messages, set up some social networking, and routine maintenance of content. About the Center […]
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