Posts by Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh Circle

About the author | Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh is a web developer at TBH Creative, specializing in front-end development. She likes to blog about a variety of web design topics, including design tips, the latest trends in the industry, and how to make your website more successful.

Accessible UX design: avoid accessibility woes by choosing the right design patterns

accessible UX design

Design patterns play a key role in user experience (UX) design. Website layouts that use consistent, standard elements from page to page help users find the information they need more quickly, which helps increase engagement and overall satisfaction.

However, when it comes to accessible UX design you can’t always rely on popular design patterns, as many of them pose accessibility challenges. When determining which components and patterns to use on your website, don’t reuse something just because it’s common across the websites you visit—consider if it truly meets the needs of all users.

To help you get started in evaluating accessibility in UX design, let’s take a look at some common design patterns to be cautious of when designing an accessible website.

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Web accessibility testing beyond automation: Why you still need an accessibility expert

man struggles to read copy on a site that didn’t go through website accessibility testing

Automated tools play an important role in web accessibility testing. When used properly, they can help expedite the accessibility testing process and streamline accessible web development overall.

However, automated testing tools fall short of fully evaluating all of the criteria set by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Many of these accessibility requirements need more thoughtful consideration and context, which makes them impossible to identify by automation alone. In these cases, manual assessment and interpretation are necessary.

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5 facts about accessibility for websites to help you reach more users

blind website user typing on a custom keyboard to access a website

Conversations around accessibility for websites have been moving to the forefront of the web development industry in recent years. Despite this shift, websites with accessibility errors seem to still be the norm. In fact, a recent evaluation of the top one million websites found that 96% of home pages had accessibility errors.

Statistics like that highlight an unfortunate issue that you may have personally experienced if you’ve spent time working with web accessibility—it can be challenging to get people committed to web accessibility.

There are a number of reasons why businesses might be hesitant to go all in on accessibility, such as lack of knowledge, financial concerns, or limited resources. However, the best way to build a case for accessibility is to be armed with the facts.

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WordPress page builder plugins: Should you use them for your website?

WordPress page builder plugins

One of the great things about using WordPress is that it’s a versatile tool. There’s no one right way to “do WordPress.” However, with so many WordPress page builder plugins available to customize a site, it is also one of its flaws. 

WordPress page builder plugins are a popular option for website builders, but as with any tool, they aren’t always the best option depending on your needs.

For less experienced users, having almost unlimited options can often be overwhelming.

In this article, we’ll look at what precisely a WordPress page builder plugin is, the pros and cons of using one, and what to consider when making that choice.

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Accessible color palette: How to find the best high-contrast combos for your website

RGB color wheel for picking a website’s accessible color palette

If you’re struggling to create an accessible color palette for your website, you’re not alone. A common challenge we run into when designing accessible websites is adapting existing brand colors to the web when there are limited color combinations that meet WCAG color contrast requirements.

In this post, we’re going to walk through the process of taking existing brand colors and choosing contrast-friendly website colors combinations. We’ll look at best practices, helpful tools, and tips for working with a limiting color palette.

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