Posts by Joy Olivia Miller

Joy Olivia Miller

About the author | Joy Olivia Miller

Joy is the creative director at TBH Creative and uses her expertise to help clients use their online communications to build, design, and manage their brands. She likes to blog about content marketing in all its forms, the latest trends in digital marketing, and share tools with readers.

Why wireframing matters

Proper planning in web development includes wireframing Architects wouldn’t build a new house without a blueprint, and likewise web designers rely on wireframes to create websites. An essential, time-saving part of the web development process, detailed wireframes communicate the bigger goals of the website project, focusing specifically on information, interface, navigation, prioritization, and functionality. Through […]

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Enhance your website design with picture perfect backgrounds

When it comes to designing modern-looking websites, one of the latest trends is to focus—literally—on the big picture. Tiled texture backgrounds, once a standard for website background imagery, are becoming rare as more and more designers incorporate relevant photography as part of their website interfaces. Faster download speeds and the flexibility provided by cascading style […]

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Improving your website’s user experience for the color blind

One in twelve kids have food allergies. One in twelve people worldwide live with either chronic hepatitis B or C. One in twelve fans drive drunk from the ballpark. Though those statistics are worrisome, there is nothing you can do to improve the user experience of your website for these groups of people. However, for […]

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Why grid-based web designs are better

The backbone of most visually appealing websites is a well-thought out grid system. A grid is best thought of as a plan for your website. It holds the designs together, outlines what its structure is, and provides a blueprint for where page elements can go. Like well-planned neighborhoods with blocks that follow a logical layout, […]

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Strategically Social: Tumblr & The Atlantic

If you’re hunting for the latest Internet phenomenon, chances are good that you’ll be directed to Tumblr. The free, easy-to-use microblogging and social networking hybrid website has been home to memes and more since 2007. Although its primary users are individuals, some businesses and organizations—like the editors of the news and analysis magazine the Atlantic—are […]

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