An inbox might announce “You’ve got mail!” but that alert doesn’t always mean what’s inside is worth opening.

When you’re developing your e-mail marketing strategy, make sure your communications are as relevant as possible to your customers. By adding value and strategically focusing marketing, your communications won’t be branded as spam.

Here are some ways to find success with your e-mail marketing and meaningfully connect with customers through newsletters: 

Know your audience
What do your customers want? Knowing your audience will help you determine what content to include in your e-newsletters and what frequency is the best fit. If the content you send is not valuable to them, they’ll delete your messages instantly. If unsure what to include, audit your e-newsletter by asking yourself: “What’s in it for them?” If the answer is nothing, reshape the item to make it relevant or consider not including it. Careful curation is the key to success! 

Pick an editor
Make sure you have one person who keeps the voice of your e-newsletter consistent and makes sure it goes out on schedule. Consistency will help ensure your messages act as both a lead-generating tactic and a way to reinforce your brand.

Spice up subject lines
It makes no difference if you send an e-newsletter jam-packed with relevant and engaging content if it goes unopened because of an uninteresting subject line. Figure out what works best with your audience by looking at the open rate data from past mailings and determine which subject lines perform best. Use these proven winners to inspire future subject line copy.

Don’t forget CTAs
Providing information is great, but make sure the e-mail includes a call-to-action to encourage a next step of engagement with your reader. A CTA might be something as simple as encouraging your customers to visit your website, like your business page on Facebook, or set-up an appointment. Take advantage of this interaction to further strengthen your relationship with your customer.

Keep your main message straight-forward. Focus on making a few key messages. You don’t want to overwhelm your already busy customers with too much information. Do a scan test to make sure that the key points stand out.

Looking to start an e-newsletter or improve your current offering? TBH Creative can help. We specialize in strategic email marketing solutions. We keep up with best practices so that we can help you maximize your online marketing potential.