You’ve done all the work. After what seems like endless hours of content writing, site map architecture developing, and keyword writing, your dazzling new website is ready to launch.

After you’ve gone live, it might feel like you’re done working, but different work starts now. While getting the actual website created is a big job, it’s only half the battle.

The truth is your site will always need changing and updating. This ongoing evolution requires upkeep, just like with a car and how you need to change its oil, vacuum the interior, keep it filled with gas, and—every so often—rotate your tires. Websites are a lot like cars in that if you let too many maintenance tasks build up, it can break down and result in even bigger repairs.

That’s where TBH Creative comes in.

You don’t want your website to get to a point where it’s not functioning how you need it to or where it’s a nightmare to keep up to date. At TBH Creative, we’ll handle the nitty-gritty for you. With each one of our website redesign projects, our goal is to help you not only build an effective website but help manage your site’s content management system.

What is TBH Creative’s maintenance queue?

Say you’re a current TBH Creative client and you need to update the navigation bar. Maintaining an up-to-date site with us is as easy as:

  1. Recognizing what type of maintenance your site needs and your request’s priority. E.g., is your request an “I needed this done yesterday” task or a “You can take care of this anytime next week” to-do?
  2. Reaching out to the TBH Creative helpline. After your request is received, a member of our team will be in contact with you to confirm receipt and ask follow-up questions, if any, and we’ll get your request on our schedule to ensure it is handled within two to three business days.

Why is website maintenance important to TBH Creative?

Keeping our clients’ sites functioning properly and looking good is our priority. You invested a lot of hard work and time into your site. That’s why doing regular website maintenance to keep its content fresh and relevant so it’s a productive part of your marketing team is crucial. Our job is to ensure you’re happy and getting the best service possible.

What website items should be regularly updated?


Time sensitive content

Outdated content says “I don’t care.” Avoid making that impression by keeping event dates, deadlines, job postings, news articles, blog posts, and other content up-to-date.

If you have a blog or news article and your last update was in 2016, it may be time to either make an updating schedule or not have that section at all. Additionally, keeping content up to date on your site is good for google, customers, and visitors, as it gets you higher ranks in search results, shows you are a credible business/company, and you’re adding value to your visitor’s experiences on your site.


Locations (stores, office, etc.)

If you’re using your site to provide customers and visitors with information about how to get in contact or visit you, make sure you’re keeping this information up to date. Users find it frustrating to go to a site, locate a phone number, and then call only to realize that the “number you are trying to reach is no longer in service.”


Broken links and errors

Make sure you’re testing your website’s links to make sure they are taking the visitor where they are meant to go. Double-check external links as well, as these sites can be tricky because sites can change around every day without being notified. Additionally, if your site is slow it may be hurting your traffic with users receiving error messages. Be sure to check how your pages are loading and remember that pages load the quickest when they are not filled with large file sizes.



Most people remember to swap in new logos when branding changes, but what about your photos. Whether you’ve had a merger or change of leadership, refreshing your photography so that it reflects your current reality is important. For example, look for and remove banner photos featuring out-dated interfaces, an executive no longer with the company, or showing products/services no longer available from your business.

If your website needs some work “under the hood” don’t wait around to make changes to your site. Make sure your site stays accurate by continuously updating its information, checking site speed, fixing broken links, and handling other tasks that are also considered regular website maintenance.