During the next month, I will be creating a series of blog posts about social media and the positives and negatives for your business. Social media is a great way to advertise and make your business more personable. Growing rapidly throughout the past five years, social media has become an everyday habit for some people (just like drinking their morning coffee). Social media is easy to update and reaches a large amount of people in real time.

Below are five different social media sites I will be discussing:

1. Facebook

Facebook has several different features businesses can use. Facebook Pages allows users to “like” the business and get real time updates. Facebook Groups is nice for collaboration between coworkers, user groups, and more. Facebook is currently the most common social media site businesses use.

2. Twitter

Twitter is useful for networking with other professionals and businesses as well as customers. Advertising with Twitter also brings more traffic to your business’ website. Twitter breaks the distanced corporate image and makes communicating with customers easy.

3. Google+

Google+ isn’t as widely used as Facebook and Twitter, but it also has some major benefits for small businesses. There is a direct connection between Google+ and Google Search: having a Google Page will directly increase your rankings on Google. Google+ also has professional features and helps to secure your business’ identity.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is the newest social media site. The popularity of Pinterest has been growing at a quick pace. Pinterest is very different than any of the other social media sites. There are pin boards where users can “pin” anything from inspiration to products they like. Pinterest is great for advertising services and products, which in return gets more traffic to your website.

5. Blogger (or any other sort of blog)

Blogs are a great way for businesses to increase search ranking. They also engage your audience and keep you on your toes with what’s new in the industry. Customers are always interested in the newest products and keeping up with the latest trends.

Social media presence is necessary for businesses today. Confused on where to begin? TBH Creative can get you started! In today’s digital world, your Internet presence can be just as important as your company website. A social media strategy could help you gain the competitive advantage.