This month, I am writing a series of blog posts on social media and your business.

Facebook is currently the most common social media site businesses use. It offers several different features businesses can use. Facebook Pages allows users to “like” the business and get real time updates. Facebook Groups is nice for collaboration between coworkers, user groups, and more.

Below I have created lists of advantages and disadvantages for businesses considering to use Facebook:


  1. Easy way to communicate: Type in the URL, login, type status message, and hit “Post.” Distributing content to your audience via Facebook is really that easy. With millions of Facebook users, you have the potential of reaching not only your audience through status messages but also the friends of the people who follow you—for free!
  2. Ability to create custom pages: Facebook allows businesses to create custom pages via Facebook Pages. You can create pages that have information from your website
  3. Check in option: Facebook allows users to check in at certain locations. Some businesses even offer a deal if the user checks in while at the store/restaurant.
  4. Recommendations: Customers can review the business/services on the Facebook Page. This is a great way for potential customers to see what your business has to offer.


  1. Negative content: Not all Facebook users are friendly and positive. You may encounter some negative content on your page. If handled properly, though, negative messages offer an opportunity to show others your considerate and fast approach to customer service. To appear professional and responsive, it is important to have someone in your business regularly monitor your Facebook Page.
  2. Strange, irrelevant ads: Facebook tracks user preferences. It’s not as advanced as Google, so sometimes strange ads come up. This could distract the user from looking at your content. If you think it is necessary for your business, Facebook gives you the opportunity to purchase ads for your business.
  3. Maintenance requires time and attention: If you don’t keep your Facebook Page updated, customers might be less interested in “liking” your page. If you are not going to post more than a few times a month, maybe a Facebook Page isn’t for you. You could also hire a professional to generate content for your page.

Facebook is a great way to advertise your business and respond quickly to customers. TBH Creative can help you create a social media strategy for your business as well as help your business gain the competitive advantage.