Stock photography is available all over the Internet. As a creative design company, we are continually looking for stock images to add interest to our web designs. Oftentimes, the trick is finding fresh photos so that they don’t appear “stocky” or common while keeping the cost low for our clients. Below are a few sources […]
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Articles to help you improve your digital marketing
Is that what you want people to say when they visit your web site? An interesting question to consider. Most people would think “yes” at first, however, the wow factor may not be what is needed. Special effects and graphics are great for web designers, photographers, and other creative folk, but for most other types […]
If you were not born with that natural creative knack and you are searching for ways to feed your creativity, then take a look at these online tools. With the Internet at your fingertips, why not take advantage of these tools for ideas and inspiration? Color Palette CreationIf you are inspired by color or work […]
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing your chances to be included in the relevant search engine results for targeted keywords with the ultimate goal of increasing traffic to your website. I often hear my clients say: “I want to come up first in Google.“ The problem is: everyone else is trying to […]
TBH Creative has recently engaged with the Indiana Health Care Association to manage their web site and online needs. The web site was transferred to TBH Creative today and uses our custom Content Management System. Over the next few months, we will be working with the team at IHCA to increase the site’s effectiveness. The […]
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