Earlier this month Google announced several exciting updates to Google Analytics to help you optimize your website. Optimized websites have better user experiences and reduce operating costs. Now, fast performing websites also do better in Google’s search rankings.

Google Analytics new set of tools help you measure how you’re doing. To get started and find out what landing pages are the slowest on your website by update your Google Analytics tracking code. All it takes is adding one line of code related to page load time to your existing tracking code.

It takes several hundred pageviews before you will have a true picture of your load times. If you have a smaller website, this may mean waiting a few days. The new Site Speed tool is available to all Google Analytics users.

To enable the new version of reporting, log into Analytics and click on the option labeled “New Version” (found in the top-right corner). By changing to the new version, you’ll gain the ability to compare two sets of metrics, view multiple reports on the Overview page, and more.

Are you using analytics to improve your website’s performance? TBH Creative specializes in website strategy. We can help you analyze your website’s performance. We keep up with best practices so that we can help you maximize your online marketing potential.