Last Wednesday Google launched its version of Facebook “like” button. Called the +1 button, this new guide to help you self-curate richer, more relevant content based on recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues. The idea is that users will “+1” something as an instant, online endorsement if a link is worth checking out. You may […]
Search Engine Optimization Posts
Earlier this month Google announced several exciting updates to Google Analytics to help you optimize your website. Optimized websites have better user experiences and reduce operating costs. Now, fast performing websites also do better in Google’s search rankings. Google Analytics new set of tools help you measure how you’re doing. To get started and find […]
I want to be #1 in Google. We understand. The problem is, so does your competition! Appearing at the top of major search engines like Google is not a simple process of adding keywords to your META tags like it once was. Source: Google Webmaster Central, Matt Cutts. Google is sophisticated.The people who work at […]
Video is visual, it’s immediate and it’s powerfully persuasive tool to communicate your message online. If you have invested in video production for your website, you need it to play and load properly without interruptions. For hosting video, one of the major video sharing sites like YouTube or Vimeo are good options. As long as the hosting servers are […]
A journal? No. Corporate blogging is different. In a nutshell, the purpose of corporate blogging is to: You have all this knowledge in your field, right? A blog offers a casual home to post some of this information in bits and pieces. Customers want to know more, they like to see your personality, and blog offers a […]
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