Posts by Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh Circle

About the author | Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh is a web developer at TBH Creative, specializing in front-end development. She likes to blog about a variety of web design topics, including design tips, the latest trends in the industry, and how to make your website more successful.

Then and now: How web design has changed over the years

TBH Creative is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, and there’s one thing we can say for certain: the web has changed immensely since we started out. In 2004, a few familiar websites called Facebook and Flickr were just starting out too. Podcasting began that year, and iTunes had only been around since the previous […]

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Benefits of a mobile first design process

Optimizing websites for mobile use is a key element of a successful web strategy. Special consideration should be given to mobile use throughout the website development process as the number of users accessing the web through mobile devices continues to grow. One approach to ensure that a website is properly optimized for mobile use is […]

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5 goals of a design research strategy

When starting a website design project, it’s tempting to dive right into the design process, but there’s an important step that must come first: research! Design research is an essential step that should be a part of your planning process. The information gathered during the research phase will help to shape your website strategy and […]

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Website best practices for common pages, part 3: Products/Services pages

Welcome to part three of the Best Practices for Common Pages series. Today we’re looking at products and/or services pages. Products and/or services pages should display information about whatever  your business offers. It’s important to pay special attention to this page, even if you aren’t selling anything online. It should be created to capture interest […]

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Website best practices for common pages, part 2: About pages

In this second installment of Best Practices for Common pages, we’re going to look at About pages. An about page represents your business and gives you the opportunity to explain your background, goals, vision, and more. It’s the page a user will visit to decide whether or not they are interested in what your company […]

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