Posts by Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh Circle

About the author | Kayleigh Circle

Kayleigh is a web developer at TBH Creative, specializing in front-end development. She likes to blog about a variety of web design topics, including design tips, the latest trends in the industry, and how to make your website more successful.

Five easy steps for using images to communicate information

It’s challenging to engage your audience and get them to read content, and user attention span seems to be at an all-time low. So how can you get your content noticed? One way to increase interest in your content is by creating effective visuals. There’s no denying the power of images on the web, and […]

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Top reasons why your website should have a user-centered design

User experience intertwines with many aspects of a website, including design, usability, accessibility, performance, and more. It plays a key role in attracting potential customers to your website and making conversions. Typically, the better the user experience your website provides, the more successful your website will be. Because of this, investing time and effort into […]

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How resisting change can negatively impact your marketing efforts (and why it’s not so scary)

It’s not uncommon for us to encounter clients that hesitate to make website changes. This is an understandable reaction; changing your company’s website often requires learning new things and moving outside of your comfort zone. However, technology is constantly changing, and to succeed online means changing right along with it. Resistance to change, whether it […]

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Web design showcase: Online annual reports

It’s that time of the year again—time to reflect on the past year, what you’ve accomplished, and where things are headed. For many companies, this will include putting together an annual report. When deciding on a format for your annual report, you may opt to create a downloadable PDF, or mail out a printed version. […]

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Quick tip: Improve the speed of your website

Speed is a key factor in the success of a website, and loading time can have a significant impact on conversion rate. In fact, many studies show that three seconds is “the point at which most visitors will bounce if a page is not loading quickly enough” (source). If users are waiting too long for […]

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