Proper planning in web development includes wireframing

Architects wouldn’t build a new house without a blueprint, and likewise web designers rely on wireframes to create websites. An essential, time-saving part of the web development process, detailed wireframes communicate the bigger goals of the website project, focusing specifically on information, interface, navigation, prioritization, and functionality. Through the wireframing process, web developers work with clients to plan and document the website project’s objectives and requirements.

It requires knowledge of information architecture, user experience design, and user interface design to develop relevant and useful wireframes. During the planning process, web developers use wireframes to present clear mockups, removing the need for costly back-and-forth and making it possible to deliver precisely what clients want.

Thoughtful, rich wireframes reduce interactive project rework while increasing profits because they lead to greater understanding and allow for better feedback during brainstorming and planning. Wireframes, unlike fully flushed out designs, are easy to update because of their simple, straight-forward nature. Wireframes make it easier to iterate changes quickly, saving both time and money and they give web developers an opportunity to figure out which details might have been overlooked and what features had not been considered.

Thinking about your next web development project? Let TBH Creative help you plan by building wireframes for your website.