Training recommendations for learning the latest news and information about interactive design, online content strategy, and web development

C.R. Lawton once said, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow.” Growth is easy to talk about as a goal, but it’s much harder to actually make a priority to work toward as a goal when deadlines and other day-to-day demands occupy your thoughts. To make sure you make time for you next year, why not plan ahead and get your 2012 professional development scheduled now? To help get you started, here’s a round-up—sorted by focus—of options to consider:


What is it? From their website: “The HOW Interactive Design Conference is a not-to-be-missed event presented by HOW magazine in partnership with today’s leading digital design experts. This 2-1/2 day conference will provide you with the information you need to transfer your current skills into interactive design for the web, tablets and mobile devices. HOW Interactive Design Conference highlights the technology, design and inspiration you need to understand the changing role of the designer in digital media, whether you want to create websites and apps yourself, or whether you want to learn how to communicate more clearly with your development team and your clients.”

When is it? Dates have not been announced, but last year’s conference was in November.
What is the cost? 2012 prices are not online yet, but last year it cost $995 for an individual ($1095 after Sept 30).

Where is it held? 2012’s location has not been announced yet.


What is it? From their website: “As the leading conference of its kind, Confab plays a major role in driving the content strategy conversation forward…. Our extraordinarily successful debut in 2011 has already had an incredible impact on how people around the world are talking and thinking about content strategy. Confab attendees have posted recaps, held “redux” sessions, and shared success stories of career changes, new budgets, and increased influence in the workplace—all as a result of what they learned at Confab.”

When is it? The three-day conference runs from Monday, May 14–Wednesday, May 16.
What is the cost? 2012 prices are as low as $950 and go as high as $1,600, depending on what you choose to attend.

Where is it held? The conference is being held in Minneapolis.


What is it? From their website: “An Event Apart is an intensely educational two-day conference for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design. If you care about code as well as content, usability as well as design, An Event Apart is the conference you’ve been waiting for.”

When is it? Currently there are four announced conferences in 2012: February 6–8, April 2–4, June 18–20, and July 9–11.

What is the cost? 2012 prices are as low as $449 and go as high as $1,240, depending on what you choose to attend.

Where is it held? 2012’s announced locations include Atlanta, Seattle, Boston, and Austin.

We’re always keeping up with the latest in web development. If you can’t attend training next year, follow us on Twitter for trends, news, and other information about creating effective and enjoyable online experiences for your users.

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