In this article, we will take a look at some common mistakes that can slow down a project. By being aware of these mistakes, you can save time, effort, and money in the web design process.

- Lack of understanding. Not giving us a good idea of your business and what you do makes it hard for us to create an appropriate website that will meet your goals.
- Not trusting our expertise. Trust in our experience and that we make decisions based on our understanding of the industry. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone to try something new in order to maximize the success of your website.
- Inadequate feedback. Vague or little feedback during the design process can result in a product you aren’t happy with—which we don’t want! Don’t be afraid to speak your mind, and focus on giving specific, constructive feedback.
- Too many opinions. While we welcome feedback, too many people being involved in the project can lead to conflicting opinions and slow down the web design process. It’s best to designate a small number of primary decision makers.
- Scope creep. Asking for more features than what was agreed upon, or coming up with additional changes after approval has been given on a design can slow down the design and development process, resulting in increased costs. It’s important that you define the major components of a project up-front, and make sure you are okay with all details before moving on to the next phase in the project.
- No regard for timeline. Not meeting deadlines can cause a project to drag on well past its intended completion date. If you aren’t able to meet a deadline for providing information, understand that this will push out the deadlines for the creative team as well.
- Not providing the proper information. Waiting on assets can bring a website project to a stand still. By providing content, images, and other assets in a timely manner, your website can be built more quickly and efficiently.
- Unwillingness to compromise. Some compromise is generally needed depending on budget and technical limitations. Be aware of that when starting a project in order to manage expectations.
- Not considering the end user. Your users should always be considered when making decisions. Things like content and functionality should always be developed with your audience in mind.
- Expecting miracles. Expecting visitors to come to your website instantly without putting in the work to attract them is unrealistic. It’s important to have a plan after launch and to develop an online marketing strategy in order to use your website to its full potential once it’s completed.
Don’t make these mistakes on your website project.
TBH Creative can help you avoid these potential issues by guiding you through the web design process and educating you every step of the way. If you a have a project you’re ready to get started on, contact us for more information.