Looking for ideas on how to stand-out in your customers’ inboxes? Want to know how to make the most of your email marketing, increase your open rate and clicks, and lower unsubcribes?

Review our checklist of four must-haves for all e-newsletters to amplify your messaging and get a greater ROI.

Must-have #1: Make your purpose clear

The reason you’re sending the e-newsletter should be clear, starting in the subject line. Plan your content to focus on the key message you want to communicate.

Don’t bury the reason for sending the e-newsletter. Hierarchy is important when choosing what to put where in your e-newsletter. Keep in mind what the users will see when they first open the e-mail. Make sure you grab them and convince them to keep scrolling.

Must-have #2: Provide relevant information

Make sure the information you’re sending is valuable to your audience. To stay focused with your content, it may not be possible for you to send a single, one-size fits all e-newsletter to your entire readership. In this case, take advantage of list segmentation and adjust your sending plan accordingly.

Brevity is your friend. Remember, the e-newsletter should serve only as a teaser to more information on your website. You don’t need to tell them everything in the body of your message. Edit and thoughtfully curate what information you do provide.

When in doubt about including an item, ask yourself: Would I want to read this news or information? If the answer is no, re-evaluate the necessity for its inclusion. Less is more.

Must-have #3: Design using an easy-to-scan—and read—format

Keep it simple. Use a thoughtful color palette that helps guide your readers through the publication. Your readers are busy. Make sure your design—no matter if the platform is a desktop browser or mobile—makes the content shine.

Develop a template and don’t be afraid to incorporate white space as appropriate. Forget about including animated gifs and Flash. Don’t embed video. Use only beautiful, relevant imagery so your message isn’t mistaken for spam.

Must-have #4: Be professional

There are no set standards for sending an e-newsletter, but these elements are key to every good e-newsletter:

  • View online link,
  • One-click opt-out/subscription change link, and
  • Clearly identified, recognizable sender e-mail.

Looking to start an e-newsletter or improve your current offering? TBH Creative can help. We specialize in strategic email marketing solutions. We keep up with best practices so that we can help you maximize your online marketing potential.