Web Development Posts

Two steps to a smart, strategic website

Alternatively titled: A sound strategy isn’t “let’s hang out and get to know each other and brainstorm.” (Though we like brainstorming sessions too.) A strategy is defined as a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. Its synonyms include master plan, grand design, game plan, plan (of action), action […]

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What is wireframing, and 6 reasons wireframing is important

When starting a new website, planning always comes first. This involves a variety of steps to help brainstorm ideas and define your web strategy before anything is designed or developed. One technique that is crucial to the planning process is wireframing. In this article, we’ll take a look at what wireframes are and why they […]

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Why kick-off meetings are crucial to the web design process

So you’ve signed on with a company to build your website, and you’re ready to get the ball rolling—where do you start? Here at TBH Creative, a website kick-off meeting is the first step in every project. A kick-off meeting, also referred to as a discovery meeting or a planning session, serves a variety of […]

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Speed up the web development process by creating your own framework

Front-end frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation are popular for a reason: they can help to significantly speed up the web development process, streamlining the repetitive beginning steps of starting a new website and creating its base styles. However, sometimes these frameworks just don’t meet the particular demands of a project, and you find yourself taking […]

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