Graphic Design Posts

Image optimization: Boost site speed with better website photos

image optimization and editing illustration

People form their first impression of your website in about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds). Not even a whole “one-Mississippi” and a user has already determined if they will stay or leave. So what’s a make-it-or-break-it element for grabbing your user’s attention? Professional, optimized website photos. According to the HTTP Archive’s State of the Web […]

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Free graphic design tools and when to use them

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketch. All amazing programs … that all come with a hefty price. While your company may have resources to roll out a new campaign with the snap of a finger, it may not be that easy to get them to pay for software that you only need to use occasionally for minor […]

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What makes a good website design?

Web design involves more than picking out pretty pictures and choosing cool type because what’s popular is always changing. Do you remember … hit counters recording every visit on so many homepages during the late ’90s, rounded corners on nearly all photos during the early-’00s, over-sized buttons designed for most call-to-action prompts during the mid-’00s, […]

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3 best practices for giving better web design feedback

To err may be human, but to give good web design feedback is divine. That’s not exactly how the proverb goes, but maybe it should be because good feedback is essential. When communicated effectively, revision requests make all digital marketing endeavors more successful. “There are no problems—only opportunities to be creative.”—Dorye Roettger Some issues that […]

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