Remember when you designed your website? You probably had meetings, gathered consensus, spent time (and money) on making sure everything was just right. Do you give your existing site half that attention? A website is designed to be an active component of your organization’s marketing strategy. As such, the content should never be static. We […]
Digital Marketing Posts
Regularly updated. Compelling messages. Reader-focused. Search engine optimized. Good website content is all of these things and more. The content on your website works hand-in-hand with your design to tell your story and effectively communicate your goals. Copy development is an important piece of a strong online strategy. Thus, it is surprising how often copy […]
It wouldn’t be a new year without a new set of lists. January is a time for making educated guesses about what the year will hold. Many blogs have focused in on specific areas of web development and technology to make predictions. At TBH Creative, we might work on an email marketing strategy for a […]
It seems like a simple statement: Know your audience. One of those concepts that’s so obvious you shouldn’t even have to say it. But many people charge forward with their website design without taking the time to know their audience. When that happens, the result is almost always going to be short-lived. When you don’t […]
We are continuing with our series about Facebook tabs with some specific examples of how they can be used to further promote your Facebook business profile page. We recently reviewed Email Newsletter Signup Forms and Location Maps. This week we will discuss integration of social media feeds into your profile. Why is this relevant and […]
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