Digital Marketing Posts

Beginner’s guide to emoji marketing 👍😀

The use of emojis has drastically changed in a short period of time. Emojis are no longer just for making text messages and social media more fun. They’ve now become a popular marketing tool as well. And, that should be no surprise! People are constantly finding new ways to express themselves and communicate online, and […]

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How to tell which stock photo subscription service is for you

Gorgeous photos are an integral part of digital marketing. Statistics show people are drawn to good visuals and respond to them, 150% more on Twitter even. (HubSpot) While some companies are lucky enough to have a professional photographer on staff, many turn to stock imagery as their primary source of visual content. With so many […]

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Our best tip for a successful inbound marketing campaign

Inbound marketing campaigns are still fairly new for most organizations. Outbound and inbound marketing activities have merit. The trick to success is making sure you let each build on their own strengths. In this article we are going to focus on inbound marketing and the importance of the content to the success of the campaigns.

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TBH Creative’s recommended reading list for 2017

Keeping up to date on the latest trends and innovations is an essential part of our industry. Whether you’re a designer, developer, marketer, or in any related field, understanding the tools and techniques available helps you to create better solutions. However, best practices are constantly changing and improving, and it’s all too easy to fall […]

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