Posts by TBH Creative

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About the author | TBH Creative

TBH Creative is an award-winning marketing company specializing in web design/development, digital strategy, inbound marketing, and reporting. Since 2004, we’ve built multi-dimensional digital marketing campaigns and complex, enterprise-level websites for clients in a wide range of industries.

We believe in communicating clearly, delivering excellence, and beating deadlines. But beyond those ideals, what really drives the heart of our business is your business—helping our clients achieve more with comprehensive digital marketing and web design.

Our Indianapolis web design company is WBE-certified in the state of Indiana and the city of Indianapolis, and we’re also a Hubspot-certified inbound marketing agency.

Stock photos vs. original photography

Stock photos vs. original photography

Photographs are an essential piece to a business’s website. They allow you to actually show what you do instead of your clients reading about it. For the typical end user, a visual portfolio has more impact than a well descriptive paragraph. With photos being so critical comes the question what kind of photos do you […]

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Don’t overlook the importance of a custom 404 Page


Does this page look familiar? This is a 404 Error page — a user ends up on a page like this when they click on a broken link, a misspelled link, or a link that no longer exists. Users end up getting confused when they reach this page and could decide to just leave your company’s website and […]

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IE6: To Test or Not To Test?

This is the question that plagues most web developers. IE6 has been around for 10 years now and I’m sure developers have been hating it for the past 5 years. Not everyone has moved on from IE6 even though Internet Explorer is pushing out IE9 (currently in Beta, but to be released sometime this year). […]

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Subtle web design changes make a big difference

Subtle Web Design Changes Make a Big Difference

As a website designer, sometimes you have to take a step back and think to yourself, what would make this website stand out? What would make it special or unique? You could either decide that you’ve gone in the wrong direction and start from scratch or you could use techniques to create subtle changes to […]

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5 tips for effective web design

Business men discussing reports and performance

What makes a website good is an effective design. I have thought long and hard about what type of effective web design tips to list without leaving the list too long. Here are some of the tips that I came up with. The design needs to include:

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