If you browse the web on a consistent basis, chances are you’ve come across a website that uses animation in some form. Animation serves a multitude of purposes—it can make your website more dynamic, increase user engagement with your content, and improve the overall design. Plus, it’s fun! The good news it that adding animation […]
Posts by Kayleigh Circle

Recently, there has been some buzz in the web design community that websites have become overly homogeneous and boring. Factors such as frameworks and responsive design have impacted the way we design and build websites, and some believe it has been at the expense of creativity. The same patterns and elements are seen again and […]
Take a moment to consider: What’s the most important page on your website? Was your answer the homepage? That’s a common belief for many website owners, and traditionally web design workflows supported the concept of a homepage as the primary focal point. It’s where a website design typically starts, and it often takes up more […]
In a perfect world, all of our website design projects would go off without a hitch and run smoothly from planning to launch. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Creating a website is a major endeavor, with various phases, teams, and components that all need to come together to achieve success. This leaves a lot […]
Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the An Event Apart conference in Chicago. It was two days full of insight and inspiration from thought leaders in the industry. The range of topics covered all facets of web design and development, from branding to CSS techniques to accessibility. These presentations covered how to identify […]
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