A journal? No. Corporate blogging is different. In a nutshell, the purpose of corporate blogging is to:

  1. Build your industry authority/expertise.
  2. Increase search engine ranking through recent, relevant and consistent content.

You have all this knowledge in your field, right? A blog offers a casual home to post some of this information in bits and pieces. Customers want to know more, they like to see your personality, and blog offers a place for this type of information. Users read and search for answers online in today’s market — this is where you should sell yourself and your business know-how.

In turn, Google likes recent and relevant content. The more you write and post, the more likely you are to appear in the search engine results. Over time, as you build content, you should see results.

Of course, there are tricks to the trade to make your posts most optimized for SEO or to build your audience. A few are listed below:

  1. Your blog post title is extremely important. This is what lures the visitor into the full post details.
    • The title appears in more places than you might realize too (e.g. search engine ranking results, RSS feeds, social media threads, links).
    • With a business blog, you want to spend a some time and thought to craft your headlines so that they grab the attention of your audience and also attract search engine traffic you need to see results.
  2. Use lists, sub titles, easy to read content, and get to the point.
  3. Use photos and graphics to keep the interest level high. Diagrams are great for explaining things too.
  4. Incorporate links into your post that open in a new window to help link building and lead to related or expanded content.
  5. Your blog template should be strategically designed to have navigation links back to your site, your contact information, and a call to action. 
  6. End your post saying who you are and way of contact via link, phone or email.

More tips for new bloggers can be regularly found on this blogging blog.

One pitfall of corporate blogging that a lot of businesses get stuck on is creating the content. It is a regular commitment that someone on your team must spend time on or hire writers to help develop the needed content.

For example, if your industry is business furniture, write about new furniture pieces, why you like XYZ chair, or show off a newly designed client space. It should be easy and casual. Talk about relationships with your clients, your business philosophy, business challenges, why you are different or special in your industry — the list goes on and on. Write about everyday things that happen in your business.

Good luck with your business blogging.

TBH Creative is web design company located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Web design is what we do best and we enjoy our business blog and see many results from it. Can we help you with yours?  Contact us today.