Single-page websites can be a great solution for small businesses and clients with modest budgets. These types of websites display content on a single page, giving users a unique experience by encouraging vertical scrolling rather than clicking through to interior pages.

Today, we’ll explore the benefits and risks associated with developing a single-page website, as well as showcase examples—across various industries—using this web solution successfully.


  • Lower cost: A one-page website means less to develop, which in terms of cost, means a lower price point to the client.
  • Positive user experience: One-page websites eliminate the potential for overwhelming menu options, are quicker to navigate, and encourages a user to scroll. 
  • Keeps content to a minimum. This is a great option for clients that may not have a great deal of content and are looking for more brochure-site qualities for their website, for example, a company featuring one product or service.
  • More opportunity for unique design. One-page web design opens the door to more fluid and unique design options. Designers have the opportunity to use various types of creative solutions from jQuery plugins to parallax scrolling.


  • Page load times can be hefty due to document size and any scripting that may be on the page. This can easily be mitigated by minimizing the amount of javascript on the page.

Client-types that could benefit from one-page websites:

  • Event websites (conferences, festivals, etc.)
  • Sign-up forms
  • Single-product websites
  • Restaurant websites
  • Photographers and artists (portfolio websites)
  • Low budget clients
  • Clients seeking to start an online presence


One Page Love is a website with many examples to provide inspiration for creative and outside-the-box ways to implement one page website solutions.

What do you think about single-page web design? TBH Creative has the technical skills and strategic vision to plan and implement your next successful one-page website.