Remember when you designed your website? You probably had meetings, gathered consensus, spent time (and money) on making sure everything was just right. Do you give your existing site half that attention?
A website is designed to be an active component of your organization’s marketing strategy. As such, the content should never be static. We strongly recommend that all of our clients use a Content Management System (CMS) to help update and maintain their own website. In fact, most of our clients have control over 95% of their website content. They are able to add and remove pages, update information, add pictures and more. A good CMS is often the difference between waiting until your sales staff complains about an outdated page and making sure the site accurately reflects today’s business.
Is a Content Management System difficult to use?
No! In fact, if you can use Microsoft Word, you can use a Content Management System. Most CMS software is designed as a WYSIWYG editor – that stands for What You See Is What You Get. You type in your content. Use the buttons on the CMS to add bold, italics, links, post files, create bullet point lists etc. And the CMS does the HTML coding for you in the background. What can you do with a CMS?
You can get a birds’ eye view of your site’s pages and their content:

You can add and remove pages, change the names of pages and control your website menus – all with a few clicks:

You can write and edit the content on all of your pages including reusable content areas.

And most Content Management Systems let you flip back and forth between a WSYIWYG editor and an HTML window. If you know a little HTML, you can do all basic mark-up tasks in the HTML editor as shown in this WordPress CMS.

Keeping your content current doesn’t just keep your sales staff happy. Current content makes search engines happy.
Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing all place greater weight on fresh content. Search engine optimization is far more involved than just keeping your content current but, simply put, your website is more likely to appear in a search if you keep your content relevant and up-to-date. If you want your site to be found, you can’t afford to ignore your content.
Ready to make content the king of your website?
TBH Creative can help. We have developed our own custom CMS, and it is used by our clients every day to keep their sites fresh and relevant. Sure, free CMS tools are a step in the right direction but they often have limitations on custom functionality and design, and poor or limited support if problems arise. Our software allows highly customized web design and interactive features. There are no constraints on design, and since we developed the software ourselves, we have a complete understanding of the technology. Bottom line? Our easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS) can help you make content updates quickly and easily.
Your business isn’t static, your website shouldn’t be either. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to talk to you about your web content needs and evaluate if a Content Management System is right for you.
TBH Creative is a website strategy company—located in Carmel, Indiana—that serves Indianapolis and the greater central Indiana area, as well as other locations remotely.