Web Development Posts

Digital marketing terms that should exist but don’t

Even if you don’t speak German, you probably know a few words or phrases. It’s a fantastic language. From bier and wienerschnitzel to fahrvergnügen and auf wiedersehen, Germany seems to have a word for everything. Achtung, baby! They even have some great expressions without English equivalents, and this got me thinking about all of the […]

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8 ways to add credibility to your website

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Though this idiom makes sense when it comes to prejudging books on their appearance, the advice doesn’t quite work with websites. When you visit a website that looks unprofessional and a little off, you probably have good reason to be suspicious. Phishing scams and malicious websites are all […]

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10 ways to improve your website performance

Speed is everything. The Internet is different from the real world. Customers are won or lost in a fraction of a second. Creating a website is easy, but if you want to reach the top online, be prepared to do a lot of hard work. A one second lag in page loading time may result […]

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Getting started with SVG animation using CSS

If you browse the web on a consistent basis, chances are you’ve come across a website that uses animation in some form. Animation serves a multitude of purposes—it can make your website more dynamic, increase user engagement with your content, and improve the overall design. Plus, it’s fun! The good news it that adding animation […]

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