Even if you don’t speak German, you probably know a few words or phrases. It’s a fantastic language. From bier and wienerschnitzel to fahrvergnügen and auf wiedersehen, Germany seems to have a word for everything. Achtung, baby! They even have some great expressions without English equivalents, and this got me thinking about all of the […]
Web Development Posts
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Though this idiom makes sense when it comes to prejudging books on their appearance, the advice doesn’t quite work with websites. When you visit a website that looks unprofessional and a little off, you probably have good reason to be suspicious. Phishing scams and malicious websites are all […]
Images are powerful tools for your website. They help tell stories, elicit emotion from your audience, and increase conversions. It would be difficult to create an effective website without images. However, using images requires a balance between the size of your images and website performance. The purpose of imagery on a website should be to […]
Speed is everything. The Internet is different from the real world. Customers are won or lost in a fraction of a second. Creating a website is easy, but if you want to reach the top online, be prepared to do a lot of hard work. A one second lag in page loading time may result […]
If you browse the web on a consistent basis, chances are you’ve come across a website that uses animation in some form. Animation serves a multitude of purposes—it can make your website more dynamic, increase user engagement with your content, and improve the overall design. Plus, it’s fun! The good news it that adding animation […]
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