Web Development Posts

Choosing a CSS grid system for your web design

A CSS grid system consists of pre-written CSS styles that are used to help create the structure of a website. They are usually made up of some combination of rows and columns to aid in layout creation. Using a grid system for your website is important. It helps to improve the overall design by providing […]

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What to look for when choosing a CSS framework

CSS frameworks can be a great addition to your web development process. They provide pre-built code to help create the foundation of a website, providing features like grid systems, typography, forms, icons, widgets, and more, all ready to be implemented into your project. By using a framework, you don’t have to start from scratch every […]

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CSS3 Series, Part 4: Borders, Shadows, and Gradients

In this third installment of our CSS3 Series, we are diving right into several elements that are sure to make any website stand out from the crowd: Borders, shadows, and gradients. If you have been following along with our series, you’ve learned about transitions and infinite scrolling, both techniques that can give your website visitors […]

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CSS3 Series, Part 2: Infinite Scrolling

We’ve all been here: you’re making your way through your latest posts and just reaching the end, when suddenly even more content shows up, and you start all over again. If you frequent social media sites, such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest, you’re probably familiar with the concept of infinite scrolling. This never-ending content approach […]

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Website Redesign & Strategy: Logansport Memorial Hospital

Services Provided Include: Web Redesign Content Management System Application Development Content Writing & Editing Social Media Strategy Email Newsletter Marketing We launched an updated website for Logansport Memorial Hospital today. TBH Creative has been working with Logansport Memorial Hospital since 2011. In 2012, we upgraded their technology as a primary focus. We gave them a […]

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