Marketing managers or company owners may wonder if their website should be updated. The answer 95% of the time is yes. Even if your website is good, there is always room for improvement either directly on your website or through complimentary services such as email marketing, search engine optimization, or social media efforts. Successful websites […]
Web Design Posts
Saint Anthony Medical Center’s Sports Medicine Institute hired TBH Creative as a partner in their website project. The Sports center did not have a website (only one page on the main hospital site), and they wanted to have a place to highlight and inform visitors about all that SMI can offer. TBH Creative helped SMI […]
Recommendations for your web site redesign: Contact TBH Creative and we will discuss your redesign goals and options. TBH Creative is a full service web site company in Indianapolis, Indiana — redesigns are some of our favorite projects.
Your web site is a 24/7 representation of your company. If used correctly, it can be your greatest marketing tool. Finding the right web site company is important, and we recommend you build a partnership. In addition to creating a fantastic web site design and highly functional web site, your web company should help you: […]
Hostetler and Kowalik PC in Indianapolis hired TBH Creative to redesign their old static web site. They were looking for a fresh, strong, and modern look. The web design solution is bold and simple. The site offers more information including attorney bios and explanation of services. TBH Creative developed the web site for H&K with a back-end […]
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