Web Design Posts

Five signs your company website is outdated

When is it time to update your website?

How do you know when it’s time to update your website?It’s not always an easy question to answer. You might love the design that was developed a few years ago or have a personal stake in the layout that makes it hard to be objective. As long as your website still generates some leads it’s […]

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Designing for the digital fold—myth or must?

The phrase “above the fold” originated from the time of the newspaper (for the younger readers out there, a newspaper is a ream of large, unstapled paper sheets used to convey news and information). In brief, “above the fold” means that publishers and designers ought to put the most important content and calls-to-action above the physical […]

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Web Development Case Study: Tracking Football

A phased website development approach leads to greater success Tracking Football LLC is a football recruiting service that helps college and professional football teams identify key recruits based on independent athletic data. It’s a different approach to football recruiting and as a web-based product requires a site that is easy-to-use for fans while also marketing […]

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Best practices for hospital website design

When designing a hospital website, there are a number of unique challenges to take into consideration. Hospitals cater to a wide audience with a multitude of needs, which can make it difficult to create a cohesive website that addresses as many of those needs as possible. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow […]

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Trend alert! Where web design is going in 2017 (and beyond)

Web design is constantly changing, but it’s for the better (don’t believe me? Just think back to your business’s website circa 2007 and you’ll get my point). Since it’s ever-changing, there is no “goldilocks recipe” for a stellar website. What works for an ad agency’s website might not be strategic for a pediatrician’s site, and […]

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