Web Design Posts

6 things to consider when picking a domain name

Maybe your organization is just starting out and you’re bringing it online for the first time, or maybe it has changed over the years and your domain name isn’t what you wish it was. Either way, your domain name will stick with you and your organization for years, and while it doesn’t make or break […]

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Bringing creativity back to web design and development

Website template

Recently, there has been some buzz in the web design community that websites have become overly homogeneous and boring. Factors such as frameworks and responsive design have impacted the way we design and build websites, and some believe it has been at the expense of creativity. The same patterns and elements are seen again and […]

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Website ROI: The return on investment for a website redesign

There’s no denying that the Internet has made the world move faster. Technology evolves at an amazing rate and changes the way consumers buy and businesses sell. This rapid pace of development also has an impact on the lifespan of your website. In essence, a website is always a work in progress—a living, breathing entity […]

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Connect visitors to your content by creating a pillar page

And, if you took a tumble, there were no soft landings, just 110-degree asphalt (and sometimes a little blood, pain, and tears). The stakes were high, so you had to learn how not to fall. But, that is not the playground of my children. My kids play on elaborately interconnected wonderlands of fun, climbing apparatuses […]

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