Recommendations for your web site redesign:

  1. Don’t use really trendy things that may go out of style.
  2. Ask about new technologies and try to incorporate them so that you’ll be ahead of the game.
  3. Do your own research by looking at other web sites. Searching around is free and you’ll be happy 1 year from now that you did.
  4. Look at competitor sites. Make a list of what they are doing right. What they did wrong.
  5. Think about the page organization, what you have to say, interactive tools, and other things you might like to include along with your web site redesign.
  6. Think about your audience and their needs. What can you do to make the site more attractive and useful to the end-user?
  7. Define your goals. A web site company can help you evaluate what needs to be done to reach these goals.
  8. Set a realistic budget. Good design, usability, content and functionality take time and expertise.

Contact TBH Creative and we will discuss your redesign goals and options. TBH Creative is a full service web site company in Indianapolis, Indiana — redesigns are some of our favorite projects.